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Irma Koivula

Chief Physician, Director

MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Specialist

Infectious diseases and Hospital hygiene

Irma Koivula

To me the most important in my work is to be able to treat the patient's illness or problem in an effective way. Thorough diagnosis and multidisciplinary cooperation throughout the health care district make it possible. Another important field of my work is hospital hygiene together with specialized nurses ensuring a safe environment without resistant microbes. I also cooperate with other authorities, and national networking is indispensable

Working in infectious diseases requires flexibility due to the ever-changing epidemic situation and the emergence of new infectious diseases. My work involves a lot of guidance, teaching and learning. Every day at work is different and often the plans need to be changed quickly because of an unexpected problem. My work also includes patient and occupational safety issues as well as hospital construction issues from an infectious disease point of view.

Facts about Irma

Speciality: Infectious diseases and Hospital hygiene
Special skills: Infectious Diseases and Hospital Hygiene