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Sirpa Aaltomaa

Chief Physician, Director

MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Specialist


Sirpa Aaltomaa

Urological problems are fairly common and frequently related to aging. However, patients' problems can often be relieved: research in urological cancers is very active, so treatments develop and change very quickly. The versatility of the specialty and my interest in research made me apply for this specialty from the beginning. I want to be up to date on cancer treatments and know in advance what new therapies are coming up. 

In my work, the most important thing for me is to be able to analyze the patient's symptoms and find a course of treatment that will help the patient. Dealing with very intimate matters is also a part of my specialty, and I feel it is important to encourage patients to be open about their problems. If I can find a solution for them, I feel I have succeeded in my work. Mostly I work with cancer patients where a multiprofessional approach makes the best possible treatment available. Maintaining the quality of life is emphasized in cancer treatments, which I believe is important for both the patient and his or her loved ones.

Facts about Sirpa

Speciality: Surgery,Urology
Special skills: Urology