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Stepani Bendel

Chief Physician, Director

MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Specialist

Intensive care

Stepani Bendel

I was interested in acute medicine already during my studies. Therefore anesthesiology and intensive care were natural choices for a specialty. Intensive care medicine is a doctor’s work at its best, as one has to be able to use the basic physiological knowledge in patient care. In addition, the work is infinitely diverse and contains a lot of components of traditional medical work, including real contact with patients and relatives.

Intensive care medicine is advancing in leaps and bounds and the international comparison of treatment results is a tradition that has been going on for decades in intensive care. Naturally a good, pleasant staff as a whole enables our good results.

Facts about Stepani

Speciality: Anesthesiology,Intensive care
Special skills: Anesthesiology, intensive care